Rooster Teeth In Memoriam


After hearing Rooster Teeth was closing down a couple weeks ago I wanted to take some time to collect my thoughts before I paid tribute and I think this is as ready as I'm gonna be.

I loved Rooster Teeth

They had a huge impact on me, more than any other form of media or entertainment. I discovered them back in 8th grade through Achievement Hunter when they started playing the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft. At the time, I had never laughed harder in my life while watching early AH. I then quickly discovered the rest of Rooster Teeth, became obsessed with Red vs Blue, "RT Core", and the RT Podcast. If there is one thing I kept up with more than anything else from them it was the damn RT podcast. Through the entirety of high school that podcast… like.. made me who I am.

I then watched RWBY launch, became extremely inspired by Monty Oum, and to this day he is probably the biggest person I look up to. He is still my "role model".

I watched with friends through late grade school, high school, college...

When I heard they were getting into game development I wanted to move to Austin after college and work there!!! Yeah.. that didn't end up happening lol. (Their game division closed down before I could even apply.)

Yeah they were not a perfect company, there were some pretty bad people there who took advantage of working at a younger company in a medium that had barely developed yet that was less policed. And Rooster Teeth did deserve to be called out for a lot of their failings with handling certain situations over the years, but their responses to those situations were usually always good intentioned. Claiming that they would do better, and at least from the outside, appearing to actually follow through most of the time.

On top of all that, even if all that bad s**t hadn't happened, even if they were currently making the best content they ever have, even if they never did any wrong… I still probably would have slowly watched them less and less like I have been doing over the last couple of years, to basically not watching them at all.

But I NEVER wished for Rooster Teeth to "End".

People change, they move on to the next thing, and that's okay! I had kind of just wished them the best and stopped watching. Not even over any particular reason. I hoped that others would take my place as a viewer. I moved on.

It's unfortunate that things didn't end up continuing to work out for them.

I will miss them, but I will always look back fondly on the memories, the impact they had on me, and how I can use that going forward.

After all, they helped me figure out.. "Why I'm Here".

My senior pictures wearing a Rooster Teeth Shirt
Red vs Blue Meme